Hello everyone! We are Laura and Maria Elisa, twins and founders of the Llamas, a small independent brand of handmade clothes, illustrated fabric and quirky accessories.

Let's start from the beginning: The Llamas has born in 2015 as a blog, a small space where we can share our love for creativity, in all its forms. Initially born to share Maria Elisa's crochet projects (its first name was “Needles and Skeins”!), over the years the project has grown involving Laura and her illustrations, to become the small brand you can see today!
One of the first products made together? The fox bag, which is also one of the most loved!

From our little bedroom we moved to a proper laboratory in Milan, a space we share with other artisans, where we design and make our colorful collections.






Dove nasce tutto? Da carta e matita. Laura traduce suggestioni e ispirazioni nei suoi disegni, realizzati a mano e colorati digitalmente.


Why the Llamas? By chance, the union of the first two letters of our names LA + MA coincided with that of the funny camelid
. And since they are funny, soft and have a perpetually sly expression, we couldn't help but adopt them as our guide animals!

The blog still exists, and also our desire to spread creativity: we share tutorials, sewing and crochet patterns, downloadable illustrations and backgrounds, quick DIYs and design ideas, along with some behind the scenes and various glimpses of life lived between Milan and Matera. Inoltre nel nostro laboratorio organizziamo workshop e corsi di cucito per principianti e non.

In these years we have collaborated with various companies and magazines , participated in events and markets, published many tutorials. Since 2018 we have been part of the CasaFacile magazine blogger team.